Alvin Law

Award Winning Professional Speaker, Author, Actor & Musician

Topics: Diversity and Inclusion, Leadership Development, Mental Health, Motivation and Inspiration, Resilience
Audiences: Corporate, Educators/Staff, Elementary, Middle/High School, Parents, University/College


Step Into Your Greatness

Let’s be totally transparent. Alvin has one program…period! It’s called “Step Into Your Greatness” and traces the remarkable story of being born without arms, homeless at five days of age, being written off by the medical community and turning “Tragedy Into Triumph”!

The program can be timed for 15 to 90 minutes. It is also adapted and personalized for every event to make his message seamlessly blend into the theme or objectives of a student leadership event or school assembly. It will deliver an impact that literally lasts a lifetime!


Speaker Testimonials

“Alvin is a genius. He is one of the most relatable speakers I have ever heard. When Alvin started to speak, he quickly became “one of us”. He made us laugh, he made us cry, he made us think. Most importantly Alvin helped us understand that we become what we pay attention to. I love this guy.”

Terry Small – The Brain Guy

“Not a huge fan of motivational speakers – I firmly believe that you can’t impose motivation on others, it has to come from inside them. Alvin owns his own motivation, and ignites it in others because he models the behaviour he speaks about. He lives it every day. He doesn’t tell people to change – they want to change after seeing him.”

Paul Bridle – CEO, Excellence Squared Ltd.

“Alvin attended our 11th Annual ‘Up With Life’ Day, intended to provide students with information, opportunities and experiences to reinforce the need for all of our students to make good choices and lead a healthy life. We were appreciative of his time and efforts in making this day a tremendous success.”

K. Strahley, Principal, Windsor Central District School, Windsor, NY, USA

“Fantastic!” “Outstanding!” “He’s the most inspiring speaker I’ve ever heard!” These are just a few of the comments that I have been hearing since you spoke, Alvin. Thank you so very much for coming to our school. Our kids really responded so well to your message. I am certain these students will never forget your visit.”

C. Grimstead – Forest Lawn Senior High School

“Alvin is a genius. He is one of the most relatable speakers I have ever heard. When Alvin started to speak, he quickly became “one of us”. He made us laugh, he made us cry, he made us think. Most importantly Alvin helped us understand that we become what we pay attention to. I love this guy.”

Terry Small – The Brain Guy
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Chris Gray

Professional Speaker, Professional Wrestler, Professional Dad

Topics: Bullying, Goal Setting, Mental Health, Motivation and Inspiration, Resilience
Audiences: Corporate, Educators/Staff, Elementary, Faith-Based, Middle/High School, Parents, University/College


Dare to Dream BIG

In this keynote presentation, Chris will tell stories of his humble beginnings in a very small rural town where he had the dream to one day be like his hero – Hulk Hogan. He will tell them a lesson he learned as a youth aspiring to achieve this dream … the saying “You Can Be Whatever You Want To Be” is a lie. Chris learned that the truth is “You can be whatever you want to be … if you’re willing to put in the work.”

Chris tells the story of his grueling initiation into professional wrestling and the day he finally realized his dream… the day he wrestled in the same ring as his childhood hero.

He goes on to explain that you don’t have to be in the “big time” to make a “big difference.” He tells stories of achieving his dreams of wrestling with his heroes as he tells stories of rubbing shoulders with Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat, Jake “The Snake” Roberts, and Rey Mysterio.

Viewers take away the realization that the size of their dreams should not be limited to the size of their town or other people’s expectations.

Areas of Focus: Put in the work, Focus on the positive, Never give up, Positive motion creates positive emotion.

The Power of Perseverance

In this keynote presentation, Chris focuses on the power of persevering through hardship. He tells stories of his childhood, which was riddled with alcohol abuse and psychological disorders. Despite these hardships, Chris dared to dream big.

Chris was told by his high school guidance counselor that he shouldn’t pursue his big dream of being a professional wrestler because he was too small and it would be too hard to achieve this goal. Chris quickly learned that it would be very hard work, but that adults aren’t experts. Chris went on to achieve his goals despite the forces working against him.

Chris tells the dramatic story of the day he almost died in the ring and the day his dream job almost came to an end from the most unlikely of people.

Viewers take away the realization that their circumstances don’t have to dictate their actions. We all have the power to persevere if we put enough passion and drive into achieving our dreams.

Areas of focus: Overcoming obstacles, Attitude is everything, Positive motion creates positive emotion, Avoiding the victim mentality.

The Power of Influence

In this keynote presentation, Chris talks about the cycle of influence. Whether we are influenced by positive or negative forces, we can choose to continue that cycle or change it.

Chris tells stories of the negative influences on his life at a very young age and a chance meeting in the 9th grade that changed the trajectory of his life forever.

He tells engaging tales from his wrestling career that have influenced his life as a father and a man. Chris tells personal stories of special connections he’s made with his wrestling fans and his decision to be a positive influence in his community through his charity campaign – “Giv’er for Charity.”

Viewers take away the realization that they all have the power to influence those around them. It’s up to them whether they want to be a positive or negative influence in the world. Chris encourages all youth to choose the power of positive influence.

Areas of focus: Focus on the positive, Finding your passion, Choose your friends wisely, Power of a positive mindset.

Be Different: Turning Your Perceived Weakness into your SuperPower

In this keynote presentation, Chris encourages youth to not only accept their unique differences, but to embrace them and use them for good.

Since a very young age, Chris knew he was different because of his unique goals and dreams. And since a young age, he was always encouraged to change his dreams and goals because he was too small, too skinny, and very different looking compared to the professional wrestlers Chris dreamed of being like. Despite his dreams of a career that required him to take center stage… later in life, Chris learned he was actually an introvert. With this knowledge, he learned how to become a true leader based on the unique skills he developed as an introvert in an entertainment world full of extroverts.

Chris focuses on teaching youth lessons about overcoming their fears, branching out, and getting involved. He teaches kids that the saying “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” is true… and that he knows this because he almost died in the wrestling ring! He tells the intense and engaging tale of the day he almost died in the ring, and how that experience led to him learning how to overcome his fears, embrace his unique character traits (which he previously perceived as weaknesses), and be a positive force in his community through his charity work.

Viewers take away the realization that they are a special & unique person of value. We all have different gifts, so we all have different ways of telling the world who we are. Viewers will learn how to embrace these gifts and share them with the world to help make this world a better place.

Areas of Focus:

– Equality & Equity

– Inclusion

– Embracing Our Differences

– Overcoming Fears

Ideal for:

– Junior High & Secondary Assemblies

– At-risk students

​- Anti-Bullying

​- Mental Health Awareness

– Student Conferences

Heads Up, Phones Down

Recent studies show that young people spend up to 9 hours a day on their cell phones. That’s 63 hours a week! That’s well over the hours of a full-time job. Studies also show that not only are students distracted by their devices, but that young people are reporting the highest rates of poor mental health in human history.

Many schools are fighting the “cell phone vs. no cell phone” fight in school. Many are losing. Others are starting to implement strict policies against cell phone use in school.

In this keynote presentation, Chris encourages students to keep their heads up and put their phones down. He will discuss what it means to be a TRUE influencer. All youth have the power to be a positive influence in their communities if they keep their heads up and focus on the quality of their one-on-one human interactions rather than keeping their heads down and focusing on the quantity of their digital interactions. Chris will share stories of how he has been able to make a positive impact in his community through keeping his head up and his eyes on those in need in the community around him. And doing so, all while working in a job where cell phones are a necessity for social networking and marketing.

Viewers take away the realization that their quality of life increases when less time is spent on their phone and more time is spent being conscious of the world around them.

Areas of focus:

– Healthy cell phone use

– Using social media for good

– Mental Health Awareness

– Being a Positive Influence

Power of Positivity - Corporate

In this keynote presentation, Chris tells stories about the power of positivity, and how a positive mindset can help with breakthrough on both a personal level, and team-level.

A negative attitude and mentality can quickly spread through a workplace without proper care and attention. Chris uses the power of storytelling to teach lessons on how to both maintain and create a positive mindset within the workplace.

Viewers will take away that we all have the power to be a positive influence on those around us, if we simply make that decision. Viewers will feel inspired and motivated to spread positivity in their workplace.

Dare to Dream BIG Workshop

This workshop expands on lessons and take-aways from Chris’s “Dare to Dream BIG” keynote and narrows in on a concept many people need help with… goal setting.

Areas of Focus:

– Overcoming fear

– finding your passion

​- accountability partners

Ideal for:

– Leadership groups

– student council / clubs

– at-risk students

– students lacking direction

– students about to graduate

Power of Perseverance Workshop

This workshop expands on lessons and take-aways from Chris’s “Power of Perseverance” keynote and narrows in on overcoming hardship through positivity.

Areas of Focus:

– Goal Setting

– Overcoming Fears

​- Accountability Partners

Ideal for:

– Leadership groups

– sports teams / banquets

– student council

– at-risk students

Power of influence Workshop

This workshop expands on lessons and take-aways from Chris’s “Power of Influence” keynote and narrows in on finding your passion to help you choose positivity over negativity.

Areas of Focus:

– You become who you surround yourself with

– avoiding the victim mentality

– the power of choice

Ideal for:

– at-risk youth

– youth in need of direction

​- leadership groups / clubs

Be Different Workshop

This workshop expands on lessons and take-aways from Chris’ “Be Different” keynote and narrows in on how to find our unique and special character traits to use as our superpower to help the world.

Areas of Focus:

– Rethinking Leadership Strategies

– Overcoming Fears

​- Accountability Partners

​- Self-Care

Ideal for:

– Leadership groups

– student council

– at-risk students


Speaker Testimonials

“Chris has been the favourite keynote speaker at our Grade 9 Boys Conference for several years. He quickly captivates his audience with the stories and experiences he shares. Throughout his presentation, Chris encourages students to set goals, follow their dreams, and persevere when life throws curve balls. His humour, passion, and enthusiasm enable him to easily connect to the students he’s working with. We look forward to having Chris back again next year!”

Meg Mattingley, Teacher, East Elgin Secondary School

“Chris is a dynamic and energetic speaker who connects with his audience through personal storytelling. His message of ‘dream big’ and ‘put in the work’ and ‘don’t be afraid to try something new’ was perfect for our students!”

Laurie Langford, ​Teacher, Strathroy District Collegiate Institute

“Chris’s message was excellent and the students loved him! He engaged everyone with humour and his amazing storytelling skills. I highly recommend him for any school community.”

Esther Wendel-Caraher, Principal, Sparta Public School

“Chris was one of the most impactful speakers I’ve heard! His ability to quickly connect with the students, hold their attention, and keep them engaged for the entire hour was most impressive. His message of going for a goal, working hard to get it, and helping others along the way is one our students will not forget! Chris is a ‘must-see’ for any student, but made a particularly strong impression on our young men.”

Jennifer Woodburn, Teacher, Saint André Bessette Catholic High School
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If comfortable, please use a personal email as many school boards have blocked external emails.

Andy Thibodeau

IMPACT Presentations - School Spirit, Leadership Training, Encouragement

Topics: College and Career Prep, Improving Social Climate and School Culture, Leadership Development, Motivation and Inspiration, School Spirit and Involvement, Team-Building
Audiences: Corporate, Educators/Staff, Elementary, Faith-Based, Middle/High School, University/College


My assemblies are flexible from 30 to 90 minutes. Energizers and interactive games are part of ALL programs! I will get my audience standing every 20 minutes to keep up the energy and interaction!

The most unique quality of my presentations is that your school or organization’s events, activities, and accomplishments are incorporated into the presentation. I will promote upcoming activities while offering recognition and praise for past events. Money spent on my programs can be considered an investment in more successful future activities! Plus, all your leadership groups and their advisors will appreciate a speaker that mentions their accomplishments!

“Get Your Hand UP!” – SCHOOL ASSEMBLY for Grades 6 to 12.

On the first day of high school, I was 6 foot and 115 pounds. My #1 enemy … the wind! I tried out for the Junior football team and on the second day of school I experienced the failure of being cut. This hilarious and inspiring program encourages your students to have an attitude of “Pick Me, Pick Me”! Fight the fear of failure and be the student that “Gets Your Hand UP” to answer questions, ask questions, and volunteer. School is about balancing learning and having fun!

Work ethic, School Spirit, Self-Confidence, Resiliency, and Volunteerism are the key themes of this assembly.

My assemblies are flexible from 30 to 90 minutes. Energizers and interactive games are part of ALL programs! I will get my audience standing every 20 minutes to keep up the energy and interaction!

“Share your Care” – SCHOOL ASSEMBLY for grades 1 to 12.

What was my criteria to ask Leica to dance at my first dance in grade 7? That she was hot? That she was cool? No! Hot and cool are temperatures and not characteristics. My criteria was, “will she say no … nicely?!” Her kindness and character were why I asked her to dance! What would she say? This moving and comedic story about self-confidence and compassion will have everyone in your audience relating to my journey from shy grade 6 to high school grad. My message: Care about yourself, your friends, family, school, and community! My top 3 examples of care: Show up. Participate. Listen. A special version is available for grades 1 to 5.

Themes of Community Service, Inclusion, Kindness, School Spirit, Self-Confidence, Bullying Awareness are woven into the program.

My assemblies are flexible from 30 to 90 minutes. Energizers and interactive games are part of ALL programs! I will get my audience standing every 20 minutes to keep up the energy and interaction!


A special grade 12-focused version of my “Get Your Hand UP’ assembly, focusing on enjoying the final year of school, being an example of leadership for the younger grades, and successfully preparing for life after high school. Perfect for grad retreats and second semester visits. Adjustable from 45 minutes to a half day or full day retreat.

My assemblies are flexible from 30 to 90 minutes. Energizers and interactive games are part of ALL programs! I will get my audience standing every 20 minutes to keep up the energy and interaction!

“Initiate Inclusion by Invitation” – Andy’s Three “I’s” of Building Community. SCHOOL ASSEMBLY or LEADERSHIP KEYNOTE for grades 7 to 12.

Inclusion is “Seeing differences, without seeing the difference.”

Inclusion is at the forefront of all schools’ goals. For 10 months in 2018-19, my family had three young women from Congo live with us until their housing situation was settled. The ongoing experience of being “Uncle Andrew” to new Canadians from Africa is hilarious, powerful, and insightful.  When you initiate inclusion by invitation, my family’s experience shows that the rewards go both ways – blessing the giver and receiver! From this experience, my work at the King’s College Peace Camp, and working for 9 months in 2020 at Costco, I offer perspective to the following challenges: How can you initiate inclusion? What limits our courage to invite? How can one maintain enthusiasm for invitation and leadership when negative experiences and rejection challenge us in our schools and community? Include, invite, and lead by initiating!

Keynote themes: Inclusion, Appreciation of Differences, Self-confidence, Communication Skills, Team Building, Community Service.

My assemblies are flexible from 30 to 90 minutes. Energizers and interactive games are part of ALL programs! I will get my audience standing every 20 minutes to keep up the energy and interaction!

"The Look" Bounces off me! Dealing Positively with Negativity – STUDENT LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE Keynote for grades 6-12.

We have all seen it when we are in a leadership role … someone gives us the “look” of disapproval and we feel our enthusiasm for leadership fade a little. A hilarious and life-changing keynote where I give your leaders effective strategies on dealing with negativity while inspiring care.  As a leader in my teens, when I learned to not let the negative judgement of others change ME, that CHANGED ME! I remind leaders that, “Care is contagious, but as a leader, it has to start with ME!”  From my own school and community leadership experiences, I offer realistic, easy-to-implement insights that will motivate you and your team!

This has been my leadership conference keynote shared hundreds of times at regional, provincial, and state events across the continent.

My assemblies are flexible from 30 to 90 minutes. Energizers and interactive games are part of ALL programs! I will get my audience standing every 20 minutes to keep up the energy and interaction!

“Making Care Contagious!” – Andy’s Habits of Successful Student Leaders.

Care is Contagious, but as a LEADER, it must start with ME! Lessons learned from being a grade 8 student council VP, a high school student president, and the orientation coordinator of my university. A powerful student leadership program that can run from 1 to 3 hours on improving communication and event marketing, handling rejection and negativity, being an example of good decisions and promoting inclusion!

My workshops are flexible from 30 to 120 minutes. ALL workshops are for grades 6 to 12. Programs are available for school or conference settings. All programs have versions designed for school staff!

“Can I Count on You?”  – Improving Your Reliability to Lead Yourself and Others.

Execution of ideas is the number one challenge for young people in organizing themselves and others. This session will immediately improve the ability of your team to work together and improve their organization skills. For students and school staff!  As a retreat, it can be a Co-Op/Workplace training program in Organization, Leadership and Time Management. A great PD program for school staff!

My workshops are flexible from 30 to 120 minutes. ALL workshops are for grades 6 to 12. Programs are available for school or conference settings. All programs have versions designed for school staff!

“Initiate Inclusion by Invitation” – Andy’s Three “I’s” of Building Community.

A leadership workshop version of my program on Inclusion. Leaders are the first “I” – Initiate. Leaders start the conversation, extend invitation, learn about barriers to inclusion, and work with others to find solutions!

My workshops are flexible from 30 to 120 minutes. ALL workshops are for grades 6 to 12. Programs are available for school or conference settings. All programs have versions designed for school staff!

“Get Your Hand Up”, “Can I Count On You? Improving Your Reliability” and “Initiating Inclusion by Invitation” Presentations. SHSM/Co-Op/Workplace Training Workshops Versions

Looking for a high-energy, interactive, and educational method for your SHSM/Co-Op students to get their hours and experience in workplace skills and leadership training? I have developed workplace skills versions of three of my presentations. Presentations length can be from one hour to a full day. Any size of audience. 

Complements your Workplace training needs in teaching your students Organization, Leadership and Time Management skills. 

It includes insights from my 9 months at Costco in 2020! I was a 50-year-old “retail rookie” being trained by people half my age! You learn a lot about your work ethic packing groceries during the tense times of April 2020 or pushing shopping carts in 35-degree Celsius heat!  

My workshops are flexible from 30 to 120 minutes. ALL workshops are for grades 6 to 12. Programs are available for school or conference settings. All programs have versions designed for school staff!

“The Impact of Educators” – An Appreciation Keynote or Workshop For ALL School Staff.

My 30 to 60-minute program to inspire and entertain your school’s staff at a PD session or educator conference. In the fall of grade 9, I received a letter inviting me to attend a “potential test” for track and field. That letter from Coach and Teacher Don Young changed my life!

When booking Andy for your school, consider organizing an after-school staff meeting so he can share this powerful program. Its length is flexible to your needs, from 20 minutes to 1 hour.

Also available as a one to two-hour Professional Development session!

“The IMPACT of the Advisor” – Two Options for Advisors and Leadership Teachers

Both “Making Care Contagious” and “Can I Count on You?” are available as adult advisor workshops.  Each of these presentations empowers adult leaders to support their students when they return to school.  Perfect for staff only workshops at leadership conferences.

In “Making Care Contagious”, Andy shares numerous activities and events that schools can run that support the 5 Habits.  “Can I Count on You?” will give adult advisors the tools to keep their team organized.  In addition, both programs are an empowering reminder to adult advisors about the difference they make inspiring youth leaders.  These workshops can each run from 30 to 120 minutes.


Speaker Testimonials

“I just finished watching your presentation. I’m literally typing this on my phone through the tears that are flowing freely down my cheeks. You got me, friend. I’m so very excited for our delegates to become part of your powerful and important message. Thank you for caring so much and for sharing your care with the Ohio Association of Student Leaders.”

Ohio Association of Student Leaders, 2020 Summer Camp

“You’re already getting rave reviews, bringing humour and joy to our kids during a trying time! THANK YOU! Eva (our littlest) is in grade one and she thinks you’re pretty darn funny!”

Maggie Savage, Parent Council, Westmount Elementary, Peterborough ON

“Thank you! You have made an impact among our students. Both presentations were well received. We had done a small debrief near the end of the day and you had a major impact. Students loved you suggesting to turn on their cameras and doing the energizers. It got them out of their chairs. Your messages transcend their stay at our college and will follow them for years to come.”

Bill Mahon, Student Activities Advisor, John Abbott College, Montreal

“Everyone loved the strong story at the end about the value of education and the far-reaching impact it has on individuals (and our society)! You are most definitely a passionate promoter of public education! It was a very energized presentation”

Jeff Pratt, CPA, CMA, Associate Director of Education & Treasurer, Thames Valley District School Board

“I just finished watching your presentation. I’m literally typing this on my phone through the tears that are flowing freely down my cheeks. You got me, friend. I’m so very excited for our delegates to become part of your powerful and important message. Thank you for caring so much and for sharing your care with the Ohio Association of Student Leaders.”

Ohio Association of Student Leaders, 2020 Summer Camp
More Information

REQUEST TO BOOK Andy Thibodeau

If comfortable, please use a personal email as many school boards have blocked external emails.

Dillon Mendes

Entrepreneur and Strategy Consultant

Topics: College and Career Prep, Entrepreneurship, Improving Social Climate and School Culture, Motivation and Inspiration, Social Impact
Audiences: Corporate, Educators/Staff, Elementary, Faith-Based, Middle/High School, Parents, University/College


Creating a Positive Impact-Driven Culture - Youth Keynote

Ideal for: School Assembly, Keynote Address, Leadership or Business Conference, Welcome Back Event

Overview: Many young people struggle to believe they can make a difference in their school community and create a positive school culture. In this keynote, Dillon shares three major lessons he has learned over the past number of years regarding making an impact. Firstly, the importance for young people to be their true authentic selves in a society that promotes herd behaviour. Secondly, Dillon showcases the power of what can happen when a community comes together to achieve a common goal. Lastly, he helps young people understand that individuals thrive off belonging and connection. Dillon uses storytelling, humour, and motivation in this keynote to drive these points home and educate students in a fun and engaging way.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn how to start making a difference in their communities
  • Recognize that authenticity, belonging, and connection is the foundation of community engagement
  • Learn the necessity to seek discomfort to grow as an individual
  • Understand the power young students can have on their community

Crafting your Pathway - Youth, Parent Keynote

Ideal for: School Assembly, Keynote Address, SHSM, Careers Conference

Overview: Given the vast amount of post-secondary options young people have, a large percentage of teenagers struggle to believe they can find their place in our society after high school. In this keynote, Dillon shares lessons he has learned over the past number of years regarding pathway discernment. Firstly, young people should choose the correct path for themselves instead of satisfying other people’s opinions. Secondly, Dillon shares the necessity for students to set an aim in their life to attain, as that is what can give life meaning. Lastly, he shares the need for each student to feel a sense of belonging in their community regardless of their path. This keynote is filled with personal anecdotes, research, and humour!

Key Takeaways:

  • Seek clarity when choosing potential post-secondary pathways
  • Gain perspective and relieve some of the stresses of post-secondary discernment
  • Understand the importance of being a part of a community after graduation
  • Realizing that choosing the correct path comes down to trying and doing different jobs as opposed to reading/pondering

The Ambitious New Hire - Corporate Keynote

Ideal for: Intern Orientation, New Hire Onboarding, Keynote Address, Leadership or Business Conference

Overview: When Dillon studied finance at the University of Waterloo, he completed 3 coop terms working in Advisory at Deloitte, Technology Consulting at KPMG, and Growth and Operations at DarwinAI. After graduating from the University of Waterloo, he was hired as a Strategy Consultant at Monitor Deloitte. When working at each company, Dillon always tried to move the needle by challenging the status quo using his entrepreneurial background. In this keynote, Dillon shares the importance for new hires to become intrapreneurs and challenge the status quo, build a mindset of resilience, and always bring new ideas to the table, regardless of their position/tenure.

Key Takeaways:

  • Be empowered to share new perspectives and challenge the status quo
  • Understand that leadership is not a status, but an action
  • Recognize the importance of building a resilient mindset

Student Leadership Reinvented - Youth Workshop

Ideal for: Student Leadership Workshop, Leadership Conference, Session with Leadership Students after School-Wide Keynote

Overview: As a former Camp Director, Managing Director of UWAC (Canada’s largest student-run accounting conference), and the Co-founder of a youth-led national movement, Dillon understands the intricacies of student leadership in communities and aims to teach students about his 5 pillars of effective student leadership. Students often have great ideas but are unable to turn those thoughts into actions. Dillon explains how change stems from serving a community and takes students on a journey inward, where he shows them how to lead themselves, so they can effectively lead others and create an impact in their communities.

Key Takeaways:

  • Breakthrough society’s conditioning of thinking small
  • Understand how to leverage social proof to change the culture of your organization
  • Learn how to change one’s perspective to increase performance and overcome challenges
  • Recognize how consistency and grit can help foster change

The Effective Communicator - Youth, Corporate, Educators, Parents Workshop

Ideal for: Leadership Conferences, Educators, Businesses, Public Speaking Classes, SHSM

Overview: Growing up, Dillon despised public speaking, mainly due to the severe stutter he had for 12 years of his life. He had trouble speaking to 1 person, let alone the thousands he speaks to now. Without the help of speech therapists or speaking coaches, Dillon overcame and got rid of his speech impediment and is now a TEDx speaker who travels across North America speaking to thousands of young people annually. He is the perfect example showcasing that anyone can become an effective communicator.

In this workshop, Dillon explains the strategies he used to become such a renowned communicator and face his fear of public speaking. These include the importance of storytelling, vocal mastery, the art of persuasion, and non-verbal communication. Whether Dillon is speaking to a group of developers at a tech firm, or a group of students/educators who desire to improve their speaking ability to become more influential, this workshop is transferable to multiple audiences.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn the art of effective storytelling to capture the attention of a group
  • Recognize how to master your vocals to keep an audience engaged
  • Understand the importance of non-verbal communication skills
  • Discover how to conquer your fear of public speaking

Speaker Testimonials

“Loved the way Dillon formed a personal connection with each audience member while sharing his message in a fun and enthusiastic way! He used humour and storytelling to convince me to start taking action that matters.”

D. Rege, University Student

“He was so well put together! I loved the stories that he shared and how he made them so relatable to our students. I highly recommend Dillon to speak at other universities and entrepreneurship programs.”

P. Trotter, Entrepreneurship Coordinator, Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre, Sault Ste. Marie, ON

“Dillon shared a very relevant and inspirational message that really resonated with myself and our students. I loved his key message that how every single person can make a small difference and together we can have a huge impact in our world.”

K. Marschuetz, Teacher, Millen Woods Public School, Waterloo, ON

“I loved his ability to share his story and it felt like he actually created a conversation with me while he was speaking. He helped me understand the importance of just starting something, even when I don’t have every step planned out!”

C. Dukes, University Student
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Sarah Wells

Olympian and Founder of the Believe Initiative

Topics: Improving Social Climate and School Culture, Leadership Development, Mental Health, Motivation and Inspiration, Resilience
Audiences: Corporate, Educators/Staff, Middle/High School, Parents, University/College


The Pursuit Of Excellence: How to find significance in the obstacles you face - Keynote (Grades 6+)

Whatever your goal is, there is a path to take you there. The path won’t always be easy, but the journey will always be worth it. This was certainly true for Olympian Sarah Wells, who encountered roadblock after roadblock on her path to athletic success. The podium has always been the destination, however, it was the challenging moments in-between that made Sarah the champion she is today. Sarah’s pursuit to multiple Olympic Games is the perfect example of what it means to relentlessly pursue your goals to not only to achieve success, but also find significance in the obstacles you face. Audience members will leave with the tools to positively reframe their mindset, surround themselves with the right support, and understand that hard work won’t always lead to success, but being resilient will always lead to another opportunity for it.

Overcoming Hurdles: 10 tactics to build resilience in you and your team - Keynote (Grades 6+)

Resilience isn’t just for when times get tough. It is a daily practice we can build into our lives so that when we need it most, we have the tools and the skills to be able to exercise our resilience. Many of us can find it challenging to train something that feels so intangible, but in this keynote Sarah walks through actionable daily steps to build your resilience muscle, along with how we can encourage and support our team members to do the same.

Redefine Success: How to see the success in your everyday - Workshop (Grades 4+)

We often view success by our ability to set a goal and then achieve that desired outcome. We may define ourselves by what we do, and what awards we have won – but that is not the only definition of success. While results are important, it is equally important to create a mechanism that keeps us motivated and inspired along the way. Sometimes goals change, sometimes unforeseen circumstances come into play, and through all that, we can remain resilient by redefining success with a success criteria. By the end of this workshop, you will learn a process on how to create that criteria and leave with a rubric to measure your future pursuits.

The Power of Habit: Habits, Discipline and Time Management - Workshop (Grades 4+)

This workshop will discuss the importance of discipline and habit building in order to achieve your desired life-style. Participants will be challenged to reflect on their goals and the choices they are making that are either enabling or inhibiting their progress. By the end of this workshop participants will have two positive commitments they agree to hold themselves to and the plan to stay accountable.

Recharge Your Batteries: How to ensure we effectively use our energy - Workshop (Grades 4+)

In this workshop participants are challenged to take an energy audit of their life. Participants discover where they are spending their time and energy and how to make improvements to better serve the goals they have in mind. By the end of this workshop, participants will have a self-designed recharging plan that they can apply proactively to avoid burnout or apply in moments where they feel overwhelmed

Share Your Story: How to leverage your experiences and create your signature story - Workshop (Grades 4+)

One of the best ways to ensure people remember you or your ideas is to use stories that help them connect to you. Yet, we often shy away from sharing our story because we assume it will look self congratulatory or people just won’t care. Whether you are in a leadership role or act as an individual contributor you should have your “signature story” that you can leverage to showcase skills, values, achievements, as well as connect and motivate others! In this session you will learn some basics of powerful storytelling, why it’s important, and you’ll walk away with the foundation of your signature story.

Leverage Your Network: How to build your dream team - Workshop (Grades 4+)

Most superstars have an incredible team helping them operate at a high level. We know support systems are important yet many of us do not spend any intentional time figuring out what that support system should like and how we can foster it. In this session we’ll walk through how to intentionally design your dream team of support by auditing your network and knowing who to ask for help, and how!

Action Plans: Building Action Plans for High Performance - Workshop (Grades 4+)

No matter the goal, a strong action plan can be the difference between aimless action and architected achievement. Olympian Sarah Wells will take us through the principals that helped build her Olympic training plans, and how we can apply that to our own aspirations.

Empathy - Workshop (Grades 4+)

Empathy is an important part of connecting with others. Inside this workshop you will reflect deeply on the elements of empathy and be equipped with tactics for your toolkit. You will also practice these tactics with others and begin to explore how you can turn empathy into impact.

Integrity - Workshop (Grades 4+)

When we treat ourselves with integrity and respect we increase our chances of happier and healthier relationships. In this workshop you will define what is your personal brand of integrity and how you can use trust and the L.A.K.E effect to build more integrity into your life.

Confidence - Workshop (Grades 4+)

In this workshop students will define their comfort zones and explore ways to expand that zone. Students will reflect on the people, places, and things that make them feel most confident, and create a plan to take action, try new things, and fill their lives with the things that make them feel their best!


Speaker Testimonials

“Sarah is an inspiration to not only athletes, but to all of us overcoming life’s obstacles. Her motto “Believe” is something we should all remember in those challenging moments. Thank you Sarah, you are an inspiration. “

John Jelaca, Teacher, Ellwood Memorial Public School

“Sarah had the audience connected to her quickly and kept them engaged throughout. Her story is adaptable to the key experiences all of us have as we face challenges. Since we were focusing on Mental Health – specifically Resiliency – her message was both entertaining and pertinent. Having seen her before, we knew she would be a perfect match for the conference theme.”

K. Patterson, Iroquois Ridge High School, Oakville, ON

“Sarah is an inspiration to not only athletes, but to all of us overcoming life’s obstacles. Her motto “Believe” is something we should all remember in those challenging moments. Thank you Sarah, you are an inspiration.”

John Jelaca, Teacher, Ellwood Memorial Public School

“It was a delight to have you inspire my key business partners in fall of 2015. You were able to effectively connect with this group of Investment Advisors drawing from your experiences on and off the track. The parallels drawn between high performance sport and high performance living made an impact on everyone in the room. Your warm smile, infectious energy and the depth of your story kept everyone engaged and left us motivated and determined. “

Greg Jizmejian, Vice President, BMO Nesbitt Burns

“Sarah came to speak to my Sport Nutrition and Exercise Prescription for Sport class this semester at George Brown College. When word got out around the college that Sarah was coming, the entire Fitness and Wellness program, including faculty, showed up for her talk. Everyone was so impressed by her belief in herself, tenacity and journey to the Olympics. Sarah also touched on her nutrition, training and the biomechanics of running to gear the talk to what the students were learning in class. Sarah is an inspirational person and an amazing speaker and I would definitely recommend her for speaking engagements! ”

Dr. Aisling Lanigan, N.D., BSc. George Brown College
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Nick Foley

Keynote speaker, Facilitator, Teacher, Coach, Entrepreneur

Topics: Diversity and Inclusion, Entrepreneurship, Leadership Development, Motivation and Inspiration, Resilience
Audiences: Corporate, Educators/Staff, Middle/High School, Parents, University/College


How Do You Want to Be Remembered? - High School/Post Secondary/Corporate

Nick will leave both your student and teacher audiences inspired to take action as he speaks about the journey he and his family are on to create an inclusive environment for his daughter.

This message is illustrated through real life stories that will leave the audience laughing as well as thinking about the legacy they are creating. This presentation illustrates that inclusion without bias is what will fundamentally contribute to eradicating hate and building a lasting inclusive culture in your work community. Nick pulls from the life lessons he learned while cycling 8312 km from Victoria, BC to St. John’s, NFLD on his Move for Inclusion journey to raise awareness about Inclusion. Nick shares with the audience that if ‘your why for doing something is big enough, then the how you do it will always show up.’ He shares practical approaches to fostering the most inclusive work place possible by offering insights and tips on how to propagate a diverse workplace through his years of working in the inclusion and diversity space.

Teaching the Exceptional Child - Teachers, teacher colleges, teacher conferences

This workshop is for teachers K-12 and is centred around how to make your classroom inclusive, as well as how to effectively communicate with the parents of the exceptional children in your classroom. Nick brings years of teaching experience, as well as being a Dad to his daughter Brynn who has Down Syndrome. This insightful workshop will give teachers the tools to effectively communicate with students as well as parents. (Ideal for teachers and students in Teachers college)

The Cadence Effect - Corporate, High School College Workshop

Nick will work with your business or organization on how to align your aspirations with application as well as how to measure days and months, so you are getting the most out of each day.

Nick offers 2-hour, half-day and full-day options ideal for all types of businesses, organizations and teachers. 


Speaker Testimonials

“Nick’s talk was straight from the heart. Bayside students were riveted during his story about Brad and participated wholeheartedly during the interactive parts of the presentation. I believe that the overall message of the importance of responsible decision making truly resonated with students. Nick’s youthful enthusiasm and ability to connect with his audience were amazing!”

Emily Young - Bayside High School

“Nick was an overwhelming hit and was able to reach our students with his interactive and engaging approach.He has a unique ability to connect with students and staff and inspire them to be instruments of change. Nick’s presentation struck a chord with our students in a personal and reflective manner. His message will follow our students for many years to come. At the end, our students walked away feeling empowered to take a stand against bullying and positively impact our community.”

Gloria Hackett - ST Theresa's Catholic Secondary

“We need to say “Thank You.” You were perfect timing, and you spoke, touched and changed many lives yesterday. Our senior teachers have said it was the best message in their long careers. “

Daniel, Teacher, Sussex High School
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Ian Tyson

Speaker, Author, Facilitator, Silver Lining Prospector

Topics: Improving Social Climate and School Culture, Leadership Development, Motivation and Inspiration, Resilience, School Spirit and Involvement, Team-Building
Audiences: Corporate, Educators/Staff, Middle/High School, Parents, University/College


"Hooray For Everything!"

Ian takes a look deeper into personal attitude and how it affects our day to day lives. By looking back at the enthusiasm of our youth and contrasting to what we do in our daily lives, stark contrasts emerge. Ian explores the things we “spend” time doing in our lives, and whether that is in fact, living fully. While not advocating blind optimism; Ian instead looks at a more complete understanding; that while life can throw us curve balls – resilience comes with perseverance and the right mindset. Dealing with topics like fear, gratitude, choices, and habits, Ian shows how letting go of negativity can really improve our outlook and life. Capitalizing on his trademark style of storytelling with wit and wisdom intertwined, this presentation will leave audiences wanting to be a “Silver Lining Prospector”

*** All presentations can be curated to school/conference learning outcomes with material and stories pulled from multiple presentations to create the most personalized show possible.

"Hero Inside"

This keynote is the epitome of “Comedy with a Message”, and has been both entertaining and thought provoking for people of all ages for years. Hero Inside takes your audience on a hilarious journey from childhood through high school and beyond, with observational humour and life lessons along the way. Through his anecdotal tales, the audience will meet the colourful characters that have inspired Ian throughout his life. Ian combines his skills as an award winning stand-up comic with his vibrancy for life to create a presentation that your audience will not soon forget.  Covering topics like overcoming obstacles, kindness, respect, dealing with loss, resilience, building culture, balancing stress in life, recapturing childhood energy, finding a personal motivation and making a difference in the life of others.

*** All presentations can be curated to school/conference learning outcomes with material and stories pulled from multiple presentations to create the most personalized show possible.

"Hooray for Everything!" - Corporate

Ian takes a deep dive into attitude and how it affects our day to day lives at home and work. This presentation contrasts the way we have carried ourselves and faced negativity throughout our lives and how those habits change our perception. This interactive and high energy presentation explores the things we “spend” time doing in our lives, and how they add up over time. While not advocating blind optimism; he instead looks at a more complete understanding; that while negativity is unavoidable, our response is within our control – resilience comes with perseverance and the right mindset. Dealing with topics like fear, choices, habits, gratitude, work -life balance, and more, Ian shows how letting go of negativity can really improve our outlook and help to forge the life we all crave. Capitalizing on his trademark style of storytelling with wit and wisdom intertwined, this presentation will leave audiences wanting to be a “Silver Lining Prospector”

*** All presentations can be curated to your company/event desired learning outcomes with material and stories pulled from multiple presentations to create the most personalized show possible.

"Feed My Life" - Corporate

Utilizing food and cooking as the metaphor and delivery method Ian weaves through personal stories and life lessons about gratitude, resilience, service, kindness and more. Digging deep into higher concepts like learning, behaviour, and the things we take for granted, Ian will deliver relatable material that will help your team be better, together. Through his anecdotal tales, the audience will meet the colourful characters that have inspired Ian throughout his life. Ian combines his skills as an award winning stand-up comic with his vibrancy for life to create a presentation that your audience will not soon forget.

*** All presentations can be curated to your company/event desired learning outcomes with material and stories pulled from multiple presentations to create the most personalized show possible.


Drawing from Ian’s extensive background in leadership training and group facilitation, he has a wealth of workshops to help leaders at all levels create better programs, be stronger teams and lead more effectively. Workshops can be customized to your school/compant/event needs and can cover a myriad of topics and activities, including:

Creating Events that Matter

Building Effective Teams

Enhancing Trust

The “Why” of Leadership

Improving School/Corporate Culture

(Workshops can be 45 mins to multiple hours)


Speaker Testimonials

“I thought I would let you know about the lasting impression you have made after hosting and speaking at the Provincial Student Leadership Conference held in Olds, Alberta in May. Your message regarding HEROES has hit home for many Albertans during the recent floods but more importantly your compassion for others and your passion for life has made an impact on all those who attended. Two of my children continue to talk about your keynote address and your session.”

Janine Becker, Alberta Provincial Leadership Conference

“Ian I believe gave both our students and advisors motivation to go back to their schools and make a difference for all students. He was passionate, enthusiastic, engaging, and delivered a very positive, uplifting message.”

Katie Mercadante, Montour High School, Student Council Co-Advisor

“You really have motivated me to be the best that I can be, and you also really inspired me to be a better person, and just say hi to the kids that really don’t have anyone around them, or are alone in the cafeteria. I feel like I want to turn my life around, and help out people.”

Lindsey Ambrus, participant, HOBY Leadership Conference

“Ian is very sensitive to the needs and concerns of students today and, despite being older than they are, is able to relate to them on their level. He tells stories of his past and the tough decisions he had to make and students readily connect with their personal concerns of today.”

Barb Sonier, Principal, South Secondary School, London

“I thought I would let you know about the lasting impression you have made after hosting and speaking at the Provincial Student Leadership Conference held in Olds, Alberta in May. Your message regarding HEROES has hit home for many Albertans during the recent floods but more importantly your compassion for others and your passion for life has made an impact on all those who attended. Two of my children continue to talk about your keynote address and your session.”

Janine Becker, Alberta Provincial Leadership Conference

“Ian I believe gave both our students and advisors motivation to go back to their schools and make a difference for all students. He was passionate, enthusiastic, engaging, and delivered a very positive, uplifting message.”

Katie Mercadante, Montour High School, Student Council Co-Advisor
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Fahd Alhattab

Millennial Workplace Expert, Entrepreneur and Youth Leadership Speaker

Topics: College and Career Prep, Improving Social Climate and School Culture, Leadership Development, Motivation and Inspiration, Social Impact, Team-Building
Audiences: Corporate, Educators/Staff, Elementary, Middle/High School, Parents, University/College


Accelerated Leadership: Unlocking Youth Leadership Potential

Ideal for leadership groups and camps, leadership conferences, and full school assemblies. Primary/Secondary and College/University students.

Topics covered:

– The 5-levels of leadership students must climb to achieve their maximum potential

– The importance of diversity and inclusion

– How to improve decision-making skills

– How to take action and make an impact in your community

– How to build resiliency and overcome obstacles

Live Your Best Life: 5 Steps to Living, Growing, and Creating an Impact

Ideal for welcome back assemblies,  full school assemblies,  mental health week, or grade 9 welcome assemblies. Primary/Secondary students.

Topics covered:

– Tools to develop as a leader and become your best self

– The importance of staying positive in negative situations

– The importance of getting involved in extra-curricular activities

– The importance of diversity and inclusion

– How to take action and make an impact in your school community

– How to build resiliency and overcome obstacles

Social Impact, Entrepreneurship, and Building Your Own Path

Ideal for career day assemblies, full school assemblies, student orientations, leadership groups, and clubs. Primary/Secondary and College/University Students 

Topics covered:

– The definition of an entrepreneur

– The path to entrepreneurship

– How to identify and take action on issues you care about 

– How to be a better and creative problem-solver

– How to practice social entrepreneurship in their school and community today

– How to stay motivated, inspired, and resilient

The Unwritten Rules of Post-Secondary: How to Succeed Personally, Academically, and Socially

Ideal for grade 12 students, grade 11 students preparing for next year, and career day.

Topics covered:

– What to expect and how to navigate post-secondary school

– How to manage time commitments 

– Where to find leadership opportunities beyond high school

– Tools and strategies for post-secondary success

– How to build resiliency and overcome obstacles

Your School Needs You: Leading Change in Your Community

Ideal for fall orientation, welcome back week, residence orientation, and student orientation. College and University Students

Topics covered:

– Tools to develop as a leader and become your best self

– The importance of staying positive in negative situations

– The importance of getting involved in extra-curricular activities

– The importance of diversity and inclusion

– How to take action and make an impact in your school community

– How to build resiliency and overcome obstacles

Fail Forward: Reimagining Failure as a Catalyst for Personal Growth

Ideal for leadership conferences, entrepreneurship conferences, student orientations, and welcome week. College and University Students

Topics covered:

– The ultimate success formula for risk-takers

– The importance of goal planning and perseverance

– The powerful effect of stepping outside of your comfort zone

– How to apply creativity in all facets of life

– How to navigate negative self-talk and believe in yourself

– How to build resiliency and overcome obstacles

5 Steps to Fostering Student Leadership Capacity

Ideal for PD training, teacher conferences, parent councils, and educator workshops. Educators and Parents.

Topics Covered:

– Techniques on how to lead by example

– How to develop students into leaders using learned training techniques

– How to empower students to take ownership of projects and make a community impact

– How to motivate students to find innovative solutions to problems

– How to educate students on diversity and inclusion

– Research on how leadership helps students development

Building Resiliency: Priming Teenagers for Challenges and Change

Ideal for PD training, teacher conferences, parent councils, and educator workshops.

Topics covered:

– Habit-forming framework for students

– How to teach teenagers the difference between growth versus fixed mindsets

– How to mark for effort versus results

– Why resilience is important and how to build resilient students

– How to educate students on diversity and inclusion

Making A Difference and Unraveling School Culture

Ideal for educators and parents, career day assemblies, full school assemblies, student orientations, leadership groups or clubs.

​Topics covered:

– How to create a conscious culture in the classroom

– How to create a culture of self-leadership that rewards star performers

– How to apply basic team-building principles to teaching

– How to align your staff and students to a shared purpose

– How to motivate students to get more involved in their school and community

Building Leaders Through Community Impact Today

Ideal for students who want to be inspired to begin their own leadership journeys and begin taking action as they move into a new chapter of their lives. Primary/Secondary students and College/University Students

Fahd’s vision and approach are about getting more youth meaningfully engaged in their community, and actively looking for opportunities to create impact and solve problems. The goal of this workshop is simple: to get students to take action on an issue or opportunity that they care about.

Topics covered:

– How to uncover what problem or challenge in your community you deeply care about

– Understanding the existing solutions and environment of the challenge

– How to create a plan of action, designing a change plan with clear goals and objectives using a strengths-based approach

– How to identify gaps between the challenge and solution


Speaker Testimonials

“We have used Fahd for several events when we wanted to make in impact with the message we asked him to share. He has a natural charisma, the charm of youth, and a wisdom that exceeds his years. When our students hear him speak, they are enamoured with his storytelling, as they are inspired to dream about how they can shape their lives and the world around them. “

John Unsworth, Head of Student Services, Nepean High School

“Fahd was incredible. His life stories were relevant, engaging and humorous. His overall delivery was exceptional. In fact, the very best that I have seen in my 38 years in education. As a school team, we are putting a huge focus on student leadership. Fahd said that yes, he could help us. He delivered tenfold -The staff and the students were so positive about the hour spent with Fahd! A super rock star presenter!”

Cindy Beauchamp, Principal, Queen Mary Public School

“Fahd Alhattab is still one of the greatest, inspirational, and thoughtful people I have heard speak to this day. #stillblownaway “

Abby Wood, Student

“We were incredibly lucky to have Fahd Alhattab as our guest speaker for the WCSS leadership camp. Fahd spoke to us about his journey to success, strategies he has used to achieve what he has today, and how we can create our legacy. The presentation was a perfect balance between humour, personal stories and life-long messages. It was a presentation to be remembered by all!

Francine Menna, Teacher, West Carleton Secondary School

“We have used Fahd for several events when we wanted to make in impact with the message we asked him to share. He has a natural charisma, the charm of youth, and a wisdom that exceeds his years. When our students hear him speak, they are enamoured with his storytelling, as they are inspired to dream about how they can shape their lives and the world around them.”

John Unsworth, Head of Student Services, Nepean High School
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Alison Springer

Youth Engagement Specialist & Founder of Young Women of Power

Topics: Diversity and Inclusion, Improving Social Climate and School Culture, Leadership Development, Mental Health, Motivation and Inspiration, Stress and Anxiety Management, Women's Leadership
Audiences: Corporate, Educators/Staff, Elementary, Faith-Based, Middle/High School, University/College


Mirror Mirror – ALL School Assembly (50 minute Presentation)

Mirror Mirror is an entertaining presentation with a powerful message that inspires students to lead by embracing who they are and how they were made. Alison helps students expose the ‘lying mirrors’ in their lives and the three causes that distort how they view themselves (media, comparison and things that people say). Students will learn positive and helpful ways to protect their dignity and the dignity of others. Alison shares some of the struggles she faced being black, tall and loud, along with her academic struggles. Students will realize that their strengths and weaknesses serve a specific purpose.

Addresses topics around: self-image, personal confidence, celebrating diversity, verbal bullying and student leadership.

Wait For It: Celebrating Personal Diversity – ALL School Assembly (50 Minute Presentation)

‘You are the way you are for a reason, just wait for it’ is the main message of this talk. Everyone has something they wish they could change about themselves. For some the list runs long. In this session, Alison shares her personal story about the four things she wished she could change about herself and how those things today have been to her advantage. Her humourous and relatable story will have students reflect on their own lives with great hope and promise opening their eyes to see that the things they despise will help them to rise…Just wait for it.

Topics addressed include: Ethnic diversity, self-image, confidence, academic challenges, family, self-dignity, life challenges and struggles, hope, patience, contentment, and destiny.

Proud to Be Pink – Girls Only Talk (50 minute Presentation)

Alison shares her love hate relationship with the colour pink. As an athlete, and having joined the military, the colour pink and what it represented wasn’t anything she wanted to be associated with. In this presentation Alison redefines what the colour pink represents, revealing the negative labels that have hindered girls from celebrating and being proud to be their unique self. After attending this presentation girls will leave with a restored sense of Female Pride, viewing other females as allies rather than enemies.

Topics addressed include: Self-Image, Comparison, Why Girls Don’t Get Along (Bullying), Helping Girls Find their Voice and the importance of their contribution to society.

Speaking Up Leads to Safe Spaces

This interactive session supports student’s desire to be courageous and do the right thing. Alison facilitates a conversation with students, addressing issues within their student body along with hindrances that keep them from speaking up in order to keep their school and community a safe place for all. After attending this session students will know what to do and what to say if they witness a problem in their school, in their community or online to keep spaces safe.

Topics addressed include:

– Leadership
– Doing what is right even when it’s hard
– Courage
– Value of others
– Reporting vs. snitching
– Speaking up.


Speaker Testimonials

“Alison encouraged us never to compare ourselves with others because it may have a negative impact on our confidence and self esteem. She explained that everyone has a strength that is useful and important regardless of what others have to say, we just have to wait for it and we will someday see it become a reality.”

Mariam, Student, Lester B. Pearson High School, Calgary, AB

“We as staff knew that Alison would be able to deliver not only an entertaining and creative speech, but also a relevant message to our graduating class. Alison even wore the dress that one of our students made for her, which pleasantly surprised both the staff and the students. Alison captured the entire audience attention with her energetic personality, enthusiasm and passion.”

Amanda Depner, Teacher – Graduation Coordinator, Jack James High School, Calgary, AB

“We at Jack James would not hesitate to recommend Alison Springer as a motivational speaker to any school group. Her warmth and genuine interest in students permeates her presentation style and affects all in attendance. Thank you Alison for going above and beyond for us.”

Michele Konschuh, Acting Assistant Principal, Jack James Senior High School, Calgary, Alberta Canada

“Alison relates to where the students are in their teenaged years. The idea that those ‘flaws’ will one day empower them is a wonderful message.”

Ryan Hanley, Teacher - Coordinator, British Columbia Student Leadership Conference 2019
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REQUEST TO BOOK Alison Springer

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Scott Hammell

Speaker, Magician, Stunt Artist, Storyteller

Topics: College and Career Prep, Goal Setting, Leadership Development, Motivation and Inspiration, Resilience, Stress and Anxiety Management
Audiences: Corporate, Educators/Staff, Middle/High School, Parents, University/College



Magic is all about perspective. The same thing, seen from different angles can appear wildly different. Scott pulls back the curtain and examines how magicians use a combination of techniques to achieve the desired outcome. These techniques have been monumental in Scott’s life for his art, as well as understanding and gaining clarity on challenging issues. Subtle perspective shifts can lead to significant improvements.

Effective Goal Setting Technique

Scott has built a wonderful life for himself by pursuing his dreams. He created opportunities for himself when he felt forward progress wasn’t fast enough. Some people look at Scott’s Guinness World Records as unique accomplishments. While Scott is very proud of these achievements, he views himself as an ordinary person who has figured out how to effectively set and accomplish goals!

Understanding Fear

Sometimes we push ourselves outside of our comfort zones, and sometimes we are pushed by factors external to us. In order to discover our true capabilities it is critical we move outside of our comfort zone.

Scott knows the benefits of pushing his boundaries all too well. He would not be a Guinness World Record holder today if he had not stepped outside of his comfort zone to attempt a gravity-defying stunt. Instead of being limited by his fear of heights, Scott faced the fear, embraced it, and ultimately overcame it.


Scott knows what it takes to be a leader. He’s built, inspired and motivated his teams to achieve world-class results. Although his stunt experiences are unique, the wisdom he has gained and is able to convey is timeless and relatable. His leadership messages are about ideals such as protecting your crew, leading from behind, highlighting your team’s skill sets, delegation of tasks and successfully managing team members who are not contributing. Scott has toured the world, presenting at top leadership conferences and he is in demand for repeat performances.


Sometimes our worst experiences can end up making us stronger. Scott sees opportunity in adversity and offers strategies to control perspective. We can’t control adversity, but we can control our perspective. Like most things in life, the more we practice resilience, the more naturally it comes. Scott’s passion-based approach to resilience offers a clear starting point as well as room to build solid foundations so that later work feels effortless.

Career Development

When you love doing something, it feels as natural as breathing. “Getting Paid to Breathe” is about finding your passion and making it happen.  Scott empowers his audience to examine their career development in the context of career satisfaction.

The Stuntman's Guide to Staying Calm

Scott Hammell has made a career by putting himself into stressful situations. No, I don’t just mean public speaking. Scott has tackled stunts in the air, on land and underwater. These experiences, combined with over 20 years as a hypnotist have lead to some interesting insights and techniques for staying calm during stressful situations. You don’t need to be attempting stunts to find the value in these simple practices.

The speech is designed to bring audiences into the mind of Scott as he’s about to perform one of his most dangerous stunts. His techniques for staying calm are broken down and elaborated upon. Scott also teaches the secrets to develop a super power.

The podcast is a free resource of relaxation recordings. These recordings are designed to help you sleep better, improve your memory, increase your focus and reduce your overall stress levels.

Additional Magic and Juggling Workshops

Scott has been teaching magic and juggling for over 20 years. He is able to provide participants with all the necessary tools to learn magic and or juggling. The tricks taught in these workshops can have specific tie-ins to his speaking topics. If you’re looking for a complimentary program that is fun and hands-on, ta-da!!!!

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