Cara Filler

Youth Motivational Speaker and Prevention Specialist

Topics: Goal Setting, Improving Social Climate and School Culture, Leadership Development, Resilience
Audiences: Corporate, Educators/Staff, Middle/High School, Parents, University/College


The Drive to Save Lives Tour

Through this eye-opening presentation on traffic safety and risk taking, and peer pressure, Cara inspires students to stand up for themselves and their friends, have a good time safely and make better life-changing decisions. With entertaining, relevant and powerful messages, Cara encourages students to speak up and own the Power of Choice. #ISpokeup This is Cara’s most requested presentation.

Driven: Rules of the Road to Success

Life is a journey, and Cara gives students a road map to navigate through it’s speed bumps and roadblocks. Students learn how to create their own GPS (Game Plan for Success!), develop an unstoppable drive forward and the secrets of getting in the express lane to success.

Let’s get R.E.A.L

In this fast-paced presentation, Cara gets students Really Excited About Leadership. Students walk away with real answers to real questions, like what defines a true leader and how to be one, what L.E.A.D.E.R.S.H.I.P. stands for and how to make a positive, lasting difference in their schools and communities.

Canada’s Next Top Role Model

Do you have what it takes to be Canada’s Next Top Role Model? During this workshop, students go through extensive training to learn the characteristics of role models and how to be one, how to make a big difference by doing little things, and how to “walk” the role model talk. Interactive fun role model runway show at the end will keep students laughing for days.


Speaker Testimonials

“There are very few speakers who have the ability to relate to a student audience as Cara does. Cara’s passion and commitment to her message is obvious, and her ability to connect with a student audience is outstanding!”

D. Conlon, Communications Director, Canadian Student Leadership Association

“Cara Filler holds the perfect recipe for addressing serious issues in a memorable, relevant way with today’s young people… empathy, levity, authority and an unconditional pure interest in the choices and safety of those in her audience.”

L. England, Student Council Advisor, Eisenhower High School, Yakima, WA, USA

“Cara reaches and touches the life of every person in the room. She is an energetic, engaging, honest, humourous, and motivating speaker and passionate about educating students to make better choices. Her 4 P’s can save your life.”

D. Deacon. Principal, Burlington High School, Boston, MA, USA

“Today I was one of the thousands of students you inspired. I hope I can embrace your story and lesson for the rest of my life, and I hope you can continue to teach the world and spread your positive message. To be honest, I didn’t think today’s assembly would be anything special, but you proved me wrong. It makes a difference. Thank you, it was humorous, emotional, touching and inspirational.”

Tyler S., High School Student
More Information


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